Sunday, January 6, 2019

Gesture Controlled Radar Based Sensor

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has approved Google to create Solly Sensors that recognize hand gestures. Radar Motion Based This sensor will be used in viaries, computers and smartphones. The biggest benefit of this will be to the Divas. It can also be used in aircraft.

This sensor will work like this
Soli sensor works on radar signal. This sensor will be operated in whatever device it will be installed, with the help of user hand.
Users will also be able to call the virtual button with the help of thumbs and fingers and keep away from the smartphone. In addition, the equipment kept in a pocket or bag can also be operated.

Work on this sensor was started in 2015

Google started working on Soli sensor since 2015. Google wanted to work on high-frequency for this sensor. But due to working on high-frequency, any other device could be tampered with this sensor, so companies like Facebook objected to it. After that Google sought permission for this sensor to work on the 57-64GHz frequency band.